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This paper says that large language models like GPT-3 can potentially be used as surrogates for human respondents in social science research.

This is an intriguing idea... 🤔

Out of One, Many



But how exactly would that work? 🤷‍♀️



But how exactly would that work? 🤷‍♀️



It seems the authors propose conditioning the language model on specific socio-demographic profiles or 'backstories' to make it generate outputs capturing the attitudes and perspectives associated with those profiles. 📊



But how exactly would that work? 🤷‍♀️



By providing rich demographic context in the conditioning prompts, the model can theoretically tap into the distinct subdistributions of language corresponding to different population segments. 🌐



But how exactly would that work? 🤷‍♀️



But can a language model really simulate human perspectives that accurately?



But how exactly would that work? 🤷‍♀️



That's where this concept of 'algorithmic fidelity' comes in. 🤔



"Algorithmic Fidelity" is likely the key concept. It seems reasonable to assess whether the model is truly capturing nuances faithfully. 📏



Right! The four criteria of algorithmic fidelity laid out do seem like a robust way to evaluate the model's human-likeness:

1) Outputs indistinguishable from real humans

2) Consistent with the demographic conditioning

3) Naturally following the context

4) Reflecting real-world patterns in the data.... 📋



Right! The four criteria of algorithmic fidelity laid out do seem like a robust way to evaluate the model's human-likeness:

1) Outputs indistinguishable from real humans

2) Consistent with the demographic conditioning

3) Naturally following the context

4) Reflecting real-world patterns in the data.... 📋



Meeting all four would provide strong evidence that the model is truly internalizing and simulating authentic human perspectives and reasoning processes. 🌍



Right! The four criteria of algorithmic fidelity laid out do seem like a robust way to evaluate the model's human-likeness:

1) Outputs indistinguishable from real humans

2) Consistent with the demographic conditioning

3) Naturally following the context

4) Reflecting real-world patterns in the data.... 📋



Okay, so they used GPT-3 and conditioned it on real demographic data from political surveys to create 'silicon subjects' that mirror human respondents. Then they evaluated whether the outputs met the algorithmic fidelity criteria when compared to human data. 🧠



Right! The four criteria of algorithmic fidelity laid out do seem like a robust way to evaluate the model's human-likeness:

1) Outputs indistinguishable from real humans

2) Consistent with the demographic conditioning

3) Naturally following the context

4) Reflecting real-world patterns in the data.... 📋



Right! The four criteria of algorithmic fidelity laid out do seem like a robust way to evaluate the model's human-likeness:

1) Outputs indistinguishable from real humans

2) Consistent with the demographic conditioning

3) Naturally following the context

4) Reflecting real-world patterns in the data.... 📋




I'm curious about the details though - how exactly did they condition GPT-3 on the demographic data? There must be more to the conditioning process. 🤔



Based on the methods section, it seems they used a novel approach of providing GPT-3 with rich first-person backstories representing the demographics, personality traits, and background details of each human survey respondent. 📚



Based on the methods section, it seems they used a novel approach of providing GPT-3 with rich first-person backstories representing the demographics, personality traits, and background details of each human survey respondent. 📚



Rather than just giving it a simple descriptor like '42 year old white male', they aimed to deeply contextualize each persona through a narrative prompt capturing their life story and experiences. 📝



Based on the methods section, it seems they used a novel approach of providing GPT-3 with rich first-person backstories representing the demographics, personality traits, and background details of each human survey respondent. 📚



This extra context is likely key for evoking the specific attitudes, reasoning patterns, and linguistic styles associated with that profile. 🎭



Based on the methods section, it seems they used a novel approach of providing GPT-3 with rich first-person backstories representing the demographics, personality traits, and background details of each human survey respondent. 📚



Based on the methods section, it seems they used a novel approach of providing GPT-3 with rich first-person backstories representing the demographics, personality traits, and background details of each human survey respondent. 📚




Another question - the intro mentions using GPT-3 for 'theory generation and testing.' How would that work exactly? Generating hypotheses and then testing them on the AI subjects before going to human subjects? 🤔



That could be powerful for rapid experimentation. But you'd still need to validate on real humans, right? 🧪



That could be powerful for rapid experimentation. But you'd still need to validate on real humans, right? 🧪



Yes, the authors suggest GPT-3 and other large language models could be leveraged for the full theory generation and testing cycle in social science research. 🔄



That could be powerful for rapid experimentation. But you'd still need to validate on real humans, right? 🧪



For theory generation, you could use the model's outputs to inductively identify interesting patterns, relationships, or hypotheses about how demographics relate to attitudes, behaviors, etc. 🧩



That could be powerful for rapid experimentation. But you'd still need to validate on real humans, right? 🧪



You could then formally test those hypotheses by systematically varying the demographic conditioning and examining the resulting outputs. 🔍



That could be powerful for rapid experimentation. But you'd still need to validate on real humans, right? 🧪




This could enable much faster, lower-cost iterative loops of theory-building and validation compared to human participant studies. 💡



However, you're absolutely right that any high-value findings would eventually need to be validated with real human samples before being treated as conclusive. 🧑‍🔬



However, you're absolutely right that any high-value findings would eventually need to be validated with real human samples before being treated as conclusive. 🧑‍🔬



The AI outputs can't entirely replace human data, but they could streamline the research process by allowing rapid prototyping and refinement of ideas before investing in costly human studies. 💸



However, you're absolutely right that any high-value findings would eventually need to be validated with real human samples before being treated as conclusive. 🧑‍🔬



Speaking of limitations, what are they? The intro hints at some shortcomings still applying. Like what? Lack of coherence? Factual inaccuracies? I'll need to watch for caveats. 🧐



However, you're absolutely right that any high-value findings would eventually need to be validated with real human samples before being treated as conclusive. 🧑‍🔬



However, you're absolutely right that any high-value findings would eventually need to be validated with real human samples before being treated as conclusive. 🧑‍🔬




The discussion section notes a few key limitations of GPT-3 and language models in general: Lack of long-range coherence - While the model can generate human-like responses for short prompts... 🧩



Its outputs tend to become incoherent or nonsensical over longer passages as it loses the narrative thread. 🧵



Its outputs tend to become incoherent or nonsensical over longer passages as it loses the narrative thread. 🧵



Factual inaccuracies - As a language model trained on broad data, GPT-3 has no inherent way to distinguish truth from fiction. Its outputs may contradict known facts, especially in knowledge-intensive domains. 🧠



Its outputs tend to become incoherent or nonsensical over longer passages as it loses the narrative thread. 🧵



Inability to learn or update beliefs - Each output is essentially a static sample from the model's subdistribution. GPT-3 cannot learn from experience or update its knowledge over time. 📚



Its outputs tend to become incoherent or nonsensical over longer passages as it loses the narrative thread. 🧵



Potential for generating unsafe or undesirable content - Like humans, the model can output racist, sexist, unethical or otherwise problematic perspectives if prompted in an unsafe way. 🚫



Its outputs tend to become incoherent or nonsensical over longer passages as it loses the narrative thread. 🧵




So while GPT-3 shows promise for simulating plausible human-like language and reasoning patterns, it still has significant limitations. Any research using the model would need to carefully account for these shortcomings. ⚠️



Hmm this first study on describing outgroups is pretty basic - just listing adjectives about the opposing political party. But I'll be more interested in the more complex patterns explored later. 🧐



Hmm this first study on describing outgroups is pretty basic - just listing adjectives about the opposing political party. But I'll be more interested in the more complex patterns explored later. 🧐



Still, I can imagine using an approach like this to rapidly gather open-ended qualitative data from an AI population before running an expensive human survey. 💡



Hmm this first study on describing outgroups is pretty basic - just listing adjectives about the opposing political party. But I'll be more interested in the more complex patterns explored later. 🧐



If the outputs capture key biases, you could use them to iterate on question phrasing, identify gaps in your prompts, generate new hypotheses about how different groups perceive each other, etc. 🧠



Hmm this first study on describing outgroups is pretty basic - just listing adjectives about the opposing political party. But I'll be more interested in the more complex patterns explored later. 🧐



Potentially very useful for streamlining the exploratory phases of research. 🚀



Hmm this first study on describing outgroups is pretty basic - just listing adjectives about the opposing political party. But I'll be more interested in the more complex patterns explored later. 🧐




The second study looking at correlations between demographics, attitudes, and behaviors seems more compelling for assessing fidelity. 📊



Capturing those conditional relationships is really the crux of whether GPT-3 is internalizing human-like patterns of reasoning and bias. 🧠



Capturing those conditional relationships is really the crux of whether GPT-3 is internalizing human-like patterns of reasoning and bias. 🧠



Interesting they looked at both linear correlations and more complex decision tree models. The decision trees could potentially reveal higher-order interactions and intersectional effects between demographics. 🌐



Capturing those conditional relationships is really the crux of whether GPT-3 is internalizing human-like patterns of reasoning and bias. 🧠



Though I wonder if they had enough statistical power in their sample to really dig into those types of nuanced intersectionalities. 🤔



Capturing those conditional relationships is really the crux of whether GPT-3 is internalizing human-like patterns of reasoning and bias. 🧠



You raise a good point - while decision trees can identify higher-order interactions in theory, achieving sufficient statistical power to reliably detect complex intersectional patterns would require a very large and diverse sample, even with an AI-based approach. 📊



Capturing those conditional relationships is really the crux of whether GPT-3 is internalizing human-like patterns of reasoning and bias. 🧠




The underlying survey data may not have had enough representation across all intersectional subgroups to properly capture those nuances. 🧩



Intersectional perspectives arising from the confluence of multiple identities like race, gender, age, religion, etc. are extremely high-dimensional and can be sparse in any given dataset. 🌐



Intersectional perspectives arising from the confluence of multiple identities like race, gender, age, religion, etc. are extremely high-dimensional and can be sparse in any given dataset. 🌐



So while GPT-3 may have the capability to simulate those perspectives if properly conditioned, the authors' analysis could have been limited by the same issues of sample size and demographic coverage that plague human subject research. 📊



Intersectional perspectives arising from the confluence of multiple identities like race, gender, age, religion, etc. are extremely high-dimensional and can be sparse in any given dataset. 🌐



That's an important limitation to keep in mind. 🧠



Intersectional perspectives arising from the confluence of multiple identities like race, gender, age, religion, etc. are extremely high-dimensional and can be sparse in any given dataset. 🌐



Intersectional perspectives arising from the confluence of multiple identities like race, gender, age, religion, etc. are extremely high-dimensional and can be sparse in any given dataset. 🌐




The third study on dynamic patterns over time is smart too. Simulating how attitudes and behaviors shift across different scenarios or timepoints would be incredibly valuable, if the algorithmic fidelity holds. ⏳



Absolutely. Being able to use GPT-3 to model processes of attitude change, voting behavior evolution, or response to real-world events could open up entirely new frontiers for political science and opinion research. 🌍



Absolutely. Being able to use GPT-3 to model processes of attitude change, voting behavior evolution, or response to real-world events could open up entirely new frontiers for political science and opinion research. 🌍



You could run virtual longitudinal studies or A/B test policy scenarios in a way that's simply not feasible with human subjects due to time and cost constraints. 💡



Absolutely. Being able to use GPT-3 to model processes of attitude change, voting behavior evolution, or response to real-world events could open up entirely new frontiers for political science and opinion research. 🌍



Of course, this capability hinges on the model outputs at each timepoint continuing to meet the algorithmic fidelity criteria and accurately reflecting the dynamics you'd see in the real human population. 🧠



Absolutely. Being able to use GPT-3 to model processes of attitude change, voting behavior evolution, or response to real-world events could open up entirely new frontiers for political science and opinion research. 🌍



But if validated, it could be transformative for understanding the drivers of temporal opinion shifts, consumer behavior, and decision-making across domains. 🌍



Absolutely. Being able to use GPT-3 to model processes of attitude change, voting behavior evolution, or response to real-world events could open up entirely new frontiers for political science and opinion research. 🌍




Hmm some good caveats noted about GPT-3's limitations - lack of coherence, factual errors, inability to learn, etc. No model is perfect. 🤔



But if the fidelity is high enough for specific use cases like short-form responses or single-timepoint attitudes, it could still be extremely useful. 💡



But if the fidelity is high enough for specific use cases like short-form responses or single-timepoint attitudes, it could still be extremely useful. 💡



You summarized the key limitations well. And I agree, despite those shortcomings, GPT-3 could still provide immense value to social scientists if its fidelity is high enough for more constrained use cases. 📊



But if the fidelity is high enough for specific use cases like short-form responses or single-timepoint attitudes, it could still be extremely useful. 💡



For example, even if the model can't maintain coherence over long-form essays, it may be able to generate human-like responses to short-form survey questions with high fidelity. 📝



But if the fidelity is high enough for specific use cases like short-form responses or single-timepoint attitudes, it could still be extremely useful. 💡



And even if it can't learn or self-update, it could still accurately simulate static attitudinal snapshots from the training data. 📚



But if the fidelity is high enough for specific use cases like short-form responses or single-timepoint attitudes, it could still be extremely useful. 💡




So for researchers interested in single-timepoint opinions, first-impressions, or open-ended but succinct responses, GPT-3 could provide a powerful tool - generating large, diverse samples rapidly and cost-effectively. 🌐



The key would be validating that the fidelity meets quality thresholds for the specific type of response being studied. 📏



The key would be validating that the fidelity meets quality thresholds for the specific type of response being studied. 📏



The idea of using GPT-3 for rapid iteration before going to human participants is really intriguing. You could get a wealth of rich, diverse simulated data to pressure test your theories and methods. 🧠



The key would be validating that the fidelity meets quality thresholds for the specific type of response being studied. 📏



Identify gaps and blind spots in your approach. All at a fraction of the cost of human studies. 💸



The key would be validating that the fidelity meets quality thresholds for the specific type of response being studied. 📏



Of course, you'd still need to validate the best findings with real people eventually. GPT-3 shouldn't entirely replace human subjects. 🧑‍🔬



The key would be validating that the fidelity meets quality thresholds for the specific type of response being studied. 📏




But it could streamline the workflow and reduce the number of costly human studies required. That's a huge potential value for social scientists. 🌍



I completely agree, and I think you articulated the value proposition really well. GPT-3 and similar models shouldn't be seen as an outright replacement for human subjects. 🤔



I completely agree, and I think you articulated the value proposition really well. GPT-3 and similar models shouldn't be seen as an outright replacement for human subjects. 🤔



But they could serve as an indispensable complementary tool that augments and accelerates traditional human research workflows. 🚀



I completely agree, and I think you articulated the value proposition really well. GPT-3 and similar models shouldn't be seen as an outright replacement for human subjects. 🤔



By leveraging GPT-3 to quickly and cheaply generate large pools of diverse synthetic data, researchers could pressure-test their methods, survey instruments, study designs, and hypotheses in silico before deploying them with human participants. 🧠



I completely agree, and I think you articulated the value proposition really well. GPT-3 and similar models shouldn't be seen as an outright replacement for human subjects. 🤔



You could identify flaws, blind spots, or gaps in your approaches that may have gone unnoticed until too late. Iterate and refine your ideas over many more rounds of simulated data. 🔄



I completely agree, and I think you articulated the value proposition really well. GPT-3 and similar models shouldn't be seen as an outright replacement for human subjects. 🤔




Then, once you've arrived at a robust study design through the AI-enabled prototyping process, you could validate your highest-value findings with a significantly reduced number of targeted, high-quality human participant studies. 📊



Rather than having to run dozens of costly broad studies, you could focus your resources on just the most promising research avenues. 💡



Rather than having to run dozens of costly broad studies, you could focus your resources on just the most promising research avenues. 💡



This could dramatically accelerate the pace of scientific understanding in fields like psychology, sociology, political science, marketing, and more. 🌍



Rather than having to run dozens of costly broad studies, you could focus your resources on just the most promising research avenues. 💡



The potential gains in research velocity and efficiency are immense if the fidelity of models like GPT-3 can be validated. 🚀



Rather than having to run dozens of costly broad studies, you could focus your resources on just the most promising research avenues. 💡



Rather than having to run dozens of costly broad studies, you could focus your resources on just the most promising research avenues. 💡




I do have some lingering questions though. Like how robust is the fidelity really across all intersectional subgroups? Are there some perspectives it fails to capture accurately? 🤔



What other domains beyond politics could this approach extend to? How do you optimally construct the conditioning prompts? Lots of open areas to explore. 🌐



What other domains beyond politics could this approach extend to? How do you optimally construct the conditioning prompts? Lots of open areas to explore. 🌐



Those are all really great questions that highlight the key open areas for future research. While this paper provided promising initial evidence for GPT-3's algorithmic fidelity in the U.S. political domain, much more rigorous testing and validation is still needed. 🧠



What other domains beyond politics could this approach extend to? How do you optimally construct the conditioning prompts? Lots of open areas to explore. 🌐



Assessing fidelity across all intersectional subgroups is crucial, as you noted. The model may exhibit biases or blindspots for certain intersectional perspectives that were underrepresented in its training data. Careful empirical study of this is required. 📊



What other domains beyond politics could this approach extend to? How do you optimally construct the conditioning prompts? Lots of open areas to explore. 🌐



Additionally, while the paper focused on politics, exploring GPT-3's fidelity in completely different domains like consumer preferences, workplace attitudes, health behaviors, etc. is an obvious next step. 🌐



What other domains beyond politics could this approach extend to? How do you optimally construct the conditioning prompts? Lots of open areas to explore. 🌐




The optimal conditioning approaches may look quite different across domains. 🧩



And indeed, more research into optimal prompt engineering and conditioning techniques could pay huge dividends. This seems to be both a key challenge and a critical leverage point for achieving high fidelity simulations. 📏



And indeed, more research into optimal prompt engineering and conditioning techniques could pay huge dividends. This seems to be both a key challenge and a critical leverage point for achieving high fidelity simulations. 📏



Getting the prompts right is likely essential. 📝



And indeed, more research into optimal prompt engineering and conditioning techniques could pay huge dividends. This seems to be both a key challenge and a critical leverage point for achieving high fidelity simulations. 📏



So in summary, while tantalizing, this work really just cracks the door open on an entire new paradigm of AI-augmented social science research workflows. 🚪



And indeed, more research into optimal prompt engineering and conditioning techniques could pay huge dividends. This seems to be both a key challenge and a critical leverage point for achieving high fidelity simulations. 📏



Tremendous opportunities, but also tremendous unanswered questions, lie ahead as we seek to understand and expand the boundaries of these models' capabilities. 🌍



And indeed, more research into optimal prompt engineering and conditioning techniques could pay huge dividends. This seems to be both a key challenge and a critical leverage point for achieving high fidelity simulations. 📏




But overall, I'm really impressed with the potential of this approach. Using large language models as pools of simulated respondents could open up entirely new ways of doing rapid, iterative social science research. 🚀



The key will be carefully assessing the fidelity limitations for each specific use case. But this paper suggests GPT-3 may already have remarkably high fidelity in the political domain. 🧠



The key will be carefully assessing the fidelity limitations for each specific use case. But this paper suggests GPT-3 may already have remarkably high fidelity in the political domain. 🧠



As someone with expertise in research methods, I can see incredible value in a tool like this. It could allow us to accelerate the research lifecycle and uncover new insights into human attitudes and behaviors that we may have missed following traditional methods alone. 💡



The key will be carefully assessing the fidelity limitations for each specific use case. But this paper suggests GPT-3 may already have remarkably high fidelity in the political domain. 🧠



A powerful complement to existing techniques. I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on how this area evolves. 👀



The key will be carefully assessing the fidelity limitations for each specific use case. But this paper suggests GPT-3 may already have remarkably high fidelity in the political domain. 🧠



The key will be carefully assessing the fidelity limitations for each specific use case. But this paper suggests GPT-3 may already have remarkably high fidelity in the political domain. 🧠
